Residential renovation, permits and support

Steps to follow for any renovation project of a heritage residential property

Any architectural intervention project (renovation, restoration, expansion, new construction, etc.) that affects the exterior of a building located within the limits of the Arvida Heritage Sites requires good planning and a permit. It is suggested to follow the main steps described below. The “Info-Permis” tool in the website from the City of Saguenay provides access to information, to requests for information and/or support, and to permit applications.

  • Defining the project: the owner or promoter must demonstrate that the project considers and respects the guidelines for protection, preservation and presentation of heritage. This may require consultation of the relevant SPAIP or the Arvida conservation plan (forthcoming publication).
  • Support and financial assistance: For more complex projects, the City of Saguenay can offer support to owners or promoters in the different project phases, starting with defining and planning. In addition, owners of heritage homes have access to financial assistance through heritage grant programs for renovations or restoration. It should be noted that delays may be incurred when benefitting from this financial assistance, hence the importance of planning well in advance. Grant applications therefore precede permit applications.
  • Permit application: A formal permit application must be submitted to the City of Saguenay to obtain the necessary authorizations (including authorizations from the Ministry of Culture and Communications of Quebec) for the implementation of the project.  It should be noted that a request for an archaeological assessment is mandatory for any excavation project on a heritage site. Based on the recommendation issued by the consultant archaeologist, archaeological monitoring may be required. Once submitted, the permit application must be assessed by the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) of the Jonquiere District, which makes a recommendation to the District Council. The latter renders a decision on the application’s approval by resolution.
  • Implementation: Work can begin once the permit is issued.
  Official City of Saguenay website